Sunday, December 26, 2010
'twas a merry christmas
Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry 3rd Birthday, Jack!

Jack, you’re 3 years old. Wasn’t it just yesterday that you were my little baby who came into the world on Christmas morning and made me a Mommy? After 2 hours of pushing, my little cone-headed boy joined my Christmas party and the whole world changed...
Always stay just as sweet and loving and honest.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
conversations with Jack (cont.)
Lila's First Christmas...
Thank you for being such a wonderful baby girl. You’re happiest first thing in the morning, and there’s no better way to start my day than listening to you coo and giggle…
This Christmas, I will stop stressing and obsessing and worrying, and enjoy this very special first of yours.
My baby girl...almost 5 months old...Merry merry...
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
snow day!
Monday, December 13, 2010
(more) conversations with Jack
Setup: Jack and I were discussing the movie Tangled, in which the main character has long, blonde hair…
Me: ...and what color hair did the princess have?
Jack: Hair like Nani’s color…
M: and like Mommy’s color, too?
J: Ummmm, kind of but yours is a little black…
I love that he’s honest…I love that he’ll always tell me the truth, even when it hurts, because sometimes, you need to hear the truth! On that note, I’ve made an appointment to get my hair done…OBVIOUSLY I need it and no one else has the guts to tell me! Thanks Jack!
Friday, December 10, 2010
lila excer-saucer's!!!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
A boy after my own heart
Last night after I was done eating dinner Jack said, “Mommy, let me see your tummy” so I obliged and he said, “You’re tummy’s not big, Mommy! You’re not done.” Best compliment I’ve received in as long as I can remember...especially coming from a little boy who truly, honestly tells it like it is…one night we went out to eat and the waiter had curly, reddish hair and he said, “Mommy, look: a clown!"
On an unrelated note, I love these pictures...
Especially this one, which makes me laugh out loud! It looks like Lila is yelling at Jack and he's happily oblivious to her! (Must be a thing with boys in this family ignoring us girls when we're talking!!!) :-)
Monday, December 6, 2010
Oh, Christmas Tree (and Jesus action figures)
I unwrapped all of the ornaments and handed them to Jack to place on the tree. As I unwrapped each one, I'd say, "Be very careful with this one, it's from when I was a baby." or "This one is very fragile..." Jack began saying things like, "Ohhh this one is so special, I played with this when I was a baby!" (melt)
Jack grouped every ornament in little clusters...hooking 5+ ornaments on one branch. It was very adorable. But I told him to make sure he hung some on the other side too. When I inspected the other side, this is what I saw: ornaments on the tree, but on the power cord...
No matter...he had so much fun and I had the best time decorating with him...
After the tree was setup, I put our nativity scene out...and Jack was all-about-it! He thought they were some sort of action figures and let me tell you, baby Jesus, Mary, "Ho-sef", and the 3 wise men had quite the adventure at the hands of little Jack!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Christmas Picture
I had an impromptu photo shoot with the kids. Good idea since Lila was on the fussy side and Jack was only smiling so he could get an M&M, and so I snapped 45 pictures in about 2 minutes before everyone had a near meltdown.
And when reviewing, I realized that I did not have a single picture of both of the kids looking happy at the camera in the entire bunch! Blerg! Here was Jack's best:
...and Lila's:
Well, I took matters into my own hands and attempted to Photoshop each of their best pictures together…fully realizing that I am the furthest thing from a Photoshop guru. But, in the time crunch, I have to say I was pretty happy with the result. Decent for a super novice.

But then, I emailed my work to my girlfriend (who is ridiculously talented and hilarious) to ask if it was indeed a contender for Photoshop failures, and she sent my back this amazing picture…

Beyond talented! I told her I need her to learn how to "osmosis her talent" onto me…no word yet on whether this idea will pan out. But in the meantime, I love this picture of my babies…love, love, love it.
Lila eats cereal & I catch-up (kinda)
It's not Frosted Flakes, (even though Jack thinks it is) but she's 4 months now and moving on to big girl foods after we got the okay from her Dr! I'm surprised how well she's doing with the whole "spoon/food" concept so early. We've been feeding her rice cereal once a day for a week and she's already starting to attack the spoon! Check her out...
In other Lila news, she had her 4 month checkup. She's 14.6 pounds (75th percentile for weight) and 90th percentile for height! He projects she'll be about 5'8"! My growing little girl! I guess that's why she's been in 6 month sleepers since she was 3 months old! My little girl with long legs!
On the Jack front, he's really getting vamped up for Christmas and his 3rd birthday this year! I think I'm getting even more excited for Santa to visit my little guy 'cause I have an inkling that he's going to have a super day! He came along on a visit to the dentist (to prepare for his first visit so he's not scared of the good ole teeth Dr) and he loved it! He even got to "take pictures of my teeth" as they let him push the button for my x-rays (Jack, keep wanting to learn...learn all you can...whether you become a dentist or a fireman or a mail man or whatever you want...learn it all!) Now he wants to brush his like 5 times a day, which we're happy to oblige.
I got a pocket video recorder so hopefully it will make capturing special, impromptu moments easier without having to whip out our handheld. I tested it out with Jack last night, and as you can tell, he was pretty tired and not in the mood. He kept saying, "It's too early", meaning he was tired, but I'm a mean mom and made him attempt to perform just so I could test out my new gadget...sorry Jack buddy!
I've been a terrible blogger lately...I blame the time of year...but I'll post a ton of pictures soon. Whew!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Jack and Lila play cars (again)
Monday, November 15, 2010

All weekend I'd been itching to take this thing for a test ride, and many walks around our kitchen just weren't I bundled up the kiddos and ventured out...