Thursday, May 28, 2009

just because...(carey)

So I'm starting a new feature on my blog so I can post random pictures and thoughts. Welcome to my first edition of...just because!

And this one is dedicated to Carey, just because was all her idea...

...and just because she loves to dance...
and eat cheese sandwiches...
and "fly through" random pictures....

And just because no one else could ever made a "borrowed" bike helmet look so good...
...and just because shots make her face hurt...

Just because she looks like Will Ferrell in Old School in the last picture...

...and she thinks she's a model in this one...

...and is trying to steal my husband in this one! (RAWR!)
Just because she's my best friend and I'm lucky enough to be her sister... I know I can get away with this!

1 comment:

Jennifer Juniper said...

She look hilarious! I want to be her friend :) Oh, and Twilight ROCKED! My house was a mess and my family wasn't feed a proper meal until I finished all four books! Oh, the days of the first kiss, butterflies, and anticipation...