Thursday, October 8, 2009

Gone Fishin'

The boys (Jim, Jack, and Papa) went fishing last weekend! I was worried about the cold weather, ticks, and the possibility of having to eat whatever they caught!

Luckily, the weather warmed up, but it was still too cold for ticks (yeah!), and I think the biggest catch of the day was lucky to be pushing 5 inches, so my dinner was safe! But they had a great time bonding and doing “boy stuff”! Here's Jack in a hat again...for like 5 more seconds! Apparently, it wasn't fishing attire :)

And here’s their catch of the day! Apparently, Jack loved the fish, as long as he didn’t have to touch it. lol.

This is from the picnic last weekend, not fishing, but I thought it was too cute not to add!

They also met up with Bill and Will, who is just a few weeks older than Jack. Here they are:

Like father like son! Here are a few better ones of them fishing:
And Jim managed to reel in the smallest catch of the day! But they had a fun "Boys-day!"

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