Thursday, September 30, 2010
for Nani
Dress up!
Lila is going to be a ballerina...or a princess...or just a pretty girl who wears a tutu made by Mama!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
2 month checkup

She had been doing so well lately! She's "cooing" and "oohing" and "ahhing" (I know, sounds really exciting to you, right!?) and I just love all of the new little noises she's making. She's learned to love her swing, but mostly loves when she's entertained while sitting in the swing, so Jack and I dance in front of her to give her something to look at...we put on quite a show!
She's started smiling which is the-best! It's not very often, but when she does, it really makes my day! She'll get the hang of it soon, because we're pretty entertaining in this family!
She's gotten into a really good routine usually only waking up once through the night, usually around 3, which is amazing! And she goes right back to sleep after eating at that time, so I'm super proud (and thankful!). I'm on the verge of saying that the worst of her colic is maybe I've just gotten used to it. But she's done so, so well this week that I think we're heading into the final stages of ya! (Note: by actually typing that/saying it out loud, I'm aware that I will most likely jinx it, but we'll find out!)
Jack is still the best big brother ever. He's always wanting to hug and kiss Lila, and calls her "Sweetheart" and "Baby girl". He even managed to overtake her 2 month photo shoot so I'll post some of out outtakes...he'd say, "You like having your picture taken, Pretty Girl?" and then show her how to smile...the classic Jack smile!
So much can change in just 2 months...(technically, I know Lila's only 8 weeks old today and her 2 month birthday is on the 30th, but close enough!)
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Nani's favs.
Jack, for one, is missing her big time while she's away in MA this week...but he assures me that Nani will bring him a book back from her 'cation, because that's what he asked for... :-)
Even though I think he'd be more than happy just to play with her...and go on McDonald's dates...and go to Target with her (it's like the most fun thing EVER! Way more fun than with me because I don't buy him a new car every time, so he tells me, "I go to Target with Nani and get a new car!")...he just loves her to pieces! Miss you Nani and Papa!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Boy things...
Monday, September 13, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Playtime with Jack & Lila
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Jack & Lila
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
1 month checkup
It also turns out that she has colic...WHA?! I never really knew what colic was (I thought it was crying all day long), so when Lila had her fussy time of day (always the same time, between 8 and 11 pm), I just figured it was normal baby crying. But turns out that the predictable crying episodes and inconsolable crying are both tell tale signs. Poor little thing.
It should improve by 3 months (fingers crossed), but there's nothing worse than not being able to calm your baby, despite your best efforts. And trying to calm her while Jack's sleeping is just an added stress, but luckily, he manages to sleep through the majority of her cries.
The diagnosis took me by surprise because she's such a perfect baby during the day, but has these few unhappy hours...but coping with a crying baby for 3 hours a day not so bad when I get to love that little girl for always!