Monday, November 2, 2009

Playing Dress Up!

It was an on-the-move, so-much-to-do weekend! Jack’s cousin Ava, Aunt Jennie, and Gramma from KC came to visit him for Halloween!

I have so much to share, but today is all about the dragon! Unfortunately, I did not manage to get a picture of Hannah Montana in her wig/costume, but I have plenty of Ms. Ava to come!

Papa, look out! A dragon’s attacking you!
Oh wait, that’s just Jack…making over sized lizards everywhere jealous of his cuteness!

And here’s Jack with both of his Grandma’s…love!
On the grown-up side, Carey and Jason (the hosts-with-the-mosts) celebrated the holiday with their second annual party! Here they are as Raggedy Anne and Andy…

Jim and I were pilots!

And his sister was the St. Paulie's girl!

We also had Carmen Sandiego (does anyone else remember the kids show Where in the World is Camen Sandiego?) and a butcher (trust me, this was much more tasteful than his costume last year!)

Adam and Eve:

Here’s me, Carey, and Jen the 80’s Rock Star (her husband, Gumby, is unfortunately not pictured!)

Dressing up is so fun! I suggest we do it more often!
I have so much more to share from this weekend, including cousin bath-time, leaf-time, play-time, night-time…and my personal favorite: A Jimbo stay tuned!

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