…he’s my best friend.
He has the same morning disposition as his dad, let’s just say they’re not “morning people”, which means he’s pretty much all mine in the mornings because I baby him…
I will baby him as long as he lets me.

He calls his sister “Sweetie-girl” and “Girlfriend” in the softest, loving voice…he most-always happily obliges when I ask him to “hopscotch” towards Lila to make her laugh…

His favorite colors are pink and purple…
coincidently, so are mine.
He loves the “Ariel Song” in Little Mermaid and can sing the whole thing:
beginning to end.
At night, he calls me into his room every 5 minutes before he falls asleep, because he needs to make sure I’m “checking on him”.
When he wakes up in the middle of the night, he calls me and I reassure him everything’s okay and that he cannot wake up yet, because, “
4:30 is the middle of the night and we have at least 1 more hour of sleep before morning”.
He loves to brush his teeth and cannot do so without leaving a white drool-stain down the front of his shirt…and his chin…and pretty much all over his face.

He hides (in the same spot) whenever someone comes through the door. He loves to surprise people and I love to watch him pop up with a huge grin when I’ve given up on finding him!
He has a major sweet tooth and would rather have a snack in the morning than a real breakfast. I don’t let him have a “snack”, even though I’m pretty sure the mini muffins I feed him are not any more nutritionally sound than a cupcake.

He’s adventurous and wild. He loves to run and will do so until he’s made to stop.
(LOL: Christmas card outtake!)

His loves to wrestle with his Daddy. Even when he is bounced off the bed onto the hard wood floor, he cannot wait to get up and do it all over. He’s tough when he needs to be…but will readily convince me that the red marker on his hand is “bleed” and that a Dora band aid makes it feel better…

He loves his blue blankie, and can’t sleep without it, his cup of cold water, and without the line of cars and toys on his windowsill…which grows by the day.
I often find myself saying to him, “Stop playing around”…and I think to myself, “Just let him play…he’s only 3 once…he’s just a little boy.”
We read books every night, and recently, when I finished up by saying, “…
and they lived happily ever after.” he said, “Hey, just like we did!”
Yes, we most certainly did, Jack.