Tuesday, June 16, 2009

early birthday present...

My birthday is in October. So I was completely taken off guard when my Mom and sister stopped with an early birthday present for me. (I totally L-O-V-E surprises!)







What?!?! A Single-Lens Reflex camera! Ahhhhhh!!! I jumped up and down like Jack does when dinner's ready! I am beyond pumped!

And after the shock wore off (only slightly because I'm still like, ahhh!) I realized how intimidated I am by this camera. I can't wait to learn...and test...and shoot...and capture everything!

On a "Jack Note"...I think he has a desire to take up photography as well...someday...

Mom, thank you. I love you. I'm so lucky and feel so blessed...not because of the camera (although I L-O-V-E it...have I mentioned that yet?) but because I am your daughter.
(And my sister's not too shabby herself!)